Category: Western Dressage


Equitation Western Dressage Style

Western dressage has evolved over the last several years. Watching so many people get involved and ride this great discipline has been fun. I am thrilled to see more shows incorporating the equitation class into their programs. This month I want to talk about what western dressage equitation is and how it is judged. The Objective First and foremost, the objective of any equitation class is to evaluate the rider’s ability to perform, in partnership with the horse, maneuvers and gaits with confidence while maintaining balance, function, and correct body position. That means your hands, seat, and aids are looked...

Flex at the Poll


I had the privilege of going to the Western Dressage Association of America’s clinic in Denver this year. As always, everyone was terrific. We had informative conversations about maneuvers, rules, new tests, and training. A common theme kept appearing in each conversation that I found to be very interesting. No matter what maneuver or test was discussed, there was always emphasis on the rider’s need to be balanced in the saddle. A balanced seat is a foundation of riding western dressage. Sometimes we get so focused on a circle or moving in a straight line that we forget about having...

Western Dressage

What Is Western Dressage?

If I had a dime for every time I was asked this, I would have a lot of dimes. Western dressage is an infant discipline, especially in the East. Eight years ago, when I started my western dressage journey, I learned on YouTube. There were no instructors, no coaches, nothing. I asked my Classical dressage friends what terms like change reins meant. Today, I am happy to see more western dressage riders and shows here in Ohio and other Eastern States. It warms my heart now to hear riders say, “western dressage, what is that?” I jump in and tell...


The Free walk

Let’s talk about the free walk The free walk is an essential maneuver in western dressage. Yet it is the gait that riders spend the least time working on. Although simple, we must remember that the walk has to show the same quality as every other gait and free walk is no exception. It has its own place on the judge’s sheet. In fact, it is a double coefficient. So, what are the judges looking for, and how do we accomplish a quality free walk? Freedom of Gait In the free walk, the horse is allowed complete freedom of the...